Comments on: CARE4Suffolk Meeting Tue, 18 Oct 2022 03:51:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Betty Johnson Tue, 18 Oct 2022 03:51:10 +0000 As a resident of Manning Rd, I and my family will oppose the rezoning of property to dense residential housing.. the road itself is a winding country road, charming but treacherous if not navigated with care. And far too many drivers are disrespectful of the dangers; just 2 weeks ago a driver lost control over the RR tracks and ended up in the ditch in front of my place- luckily no fence taken down, no horses injured or worse, very fortunately, my grandkids and my neighbors kids not injured, or worse. What if they had been waiting for the bus,? And speaking of buses, the area schools are full and not enough support personnel, especially school bus drivers to get kids picked up and brought home on time. As always, companies like Ryan Homes will gobble every square foot of land and build as densely as allowed in order to make more money. Their arguments for more housing always refer back to jobs and building the economy, but jobs are going unfilled in our area from fast food to skilled trades, so that doesn’t fly. There are jobs for those who will work.
