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Lake Kilby Road

Last night a group of concerned citizens gathered to discuss an upcoming rezoning request on Lake Kilby Road. This rezoning requests shares many similarities with the Ellis Farm rezoning request on Manning Road. 

The developer wants to rezone the 106 acres from Rural Estate (which allows for 1 house/3 acres) to Residential Medium (which will allow up to 4.4 houses/acre). He is looking to put 225 single family homes, clustered in this development.

Like Manning Road, Lake Kilby Road is a narrow, country road. It has no shoulders, no street lights, and deep ditches. It is prone to flooding and it already has more traffic than it can safely handle. In addition to the traffic and road safety, the elementary school facility is in poor condition and is already overcrowded. These neighbors are also concerned that the density and home type is not in keeping with the rural surroundings.

If you have concerns about this Lake Kilby rezoning, please reach out to us and we can get you in contact with your neighbors who are planning to fight the rezoning. Please plan to attend the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 18, at 2pm at City Hall (442 West Washington). CARE4Suffolk will also be at that meeting  to speak out in opposition to the Ellis Farm rezoning and to support Lake Kilby Road residents with their opposition.

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