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Petition and Public Comments DUE Wednesday!

This is an important reminder that the Lake Kilby Rezoning (RZN2021-00018) public hearing will take place at the Wednesday, April 19 meeting. City Council meetings start at 6pm at City Hall. 
City Council has the final vote, so it is very important that we have as many people there as possible to support CARE4Suffolk as we oppose this rezoning. This rezoning has gotten a lot of attention and could be a turning point in how the city looks at development in areas with unsafe roads and other inadequate public facilities.
There are two things you can help with before the meeting—send comments/concerns about Lake Kilby Road to City Council and help us reach 500 local signatures on our online petition. Both things need to be done before 5pm this Wednesday. Links for both are below. 
Public Comments:
City Council will receive packets including all public comments and our petition on Thursday, so that is why Wednesday is the deadline for these things. Please share these links with friends, family, and neighbors in Suffolk!
Thank you for helping us with this effort for so many months!

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