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Comprehensive Plan Open House

Today the City of Suffolk held the first of three Open Houses to get public feedback for the next iteration of the Comprehensive Plan. This document will influence how and where development happens in Suffolk.

It is an Open House, so you can come anytime during the event times and wander at your leisure, asking city staff questions about various parts of the future comprehensive plan. 

They had displays around the room with large posters each covering a different aspect of the comprehensive plan: growth areas, transportation, broadband, water & sewers, parks & rec, economic development, etc. There were interactive parts as well. They had a series of posters with images of various types of development and people were placing stickers next to the images to indicate whether they liked or disliked them. 

There was a survey and a questionnaire for visitors to complete to provide additional and more specific feedback.

This is your chance to weigh in on the Comprehensive Plan. Speak directly with the city and let them know what you think about their plan. These comprehensive plans are done every 7-10 years, so this next version will be used for the next decade and will begin as soon as it is approved by City Council (estimated later this year). 

Don’t miss your opportunity to have your voice heard. The next two Open Houses are:

June 15 from 3-7 pm
Hub 757 at 6801 Bridgeway Dr, Suffolk, VA
June 24 from 9 am- 12 pm
City Hall at 442 W Washington St. Suffolk, VA

For those unable to participate in the sessions, online engagement is available on the project website beginning June 14. For more information, visit

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