Comments on: Errors, Omissions & Discrepancies Tue, 15 Aug 2023 23:27:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Julie Metheny Tue, 15 Aug 2023 23:27:45 +0000 We live on Lake Kilby Rd. Increasing density here is a safety issue. Those of us who drive this road risk either running into a ditch or having an accident when a bus, fire engine, or tractor-trailer comes toward us if we don’t have time to duck into someone’s driveway. And the developer will widen to 20 feet? That’s not going to help when daily traffic is increased for “potential new home owners”. We live here because it’s a quiet area, we enjoy daily visits from wildlife, and are avid gardeners. If rezoning to add all these homes didn’t matter to us, we’d already be in a “rooftops” neighborhood. Realtors supporting this rezoning just to have more houses to sell shouldn’t be the reason to approve this rezoning request! Additionally, review of much of the data provided to City Council and the public shows inaccurate, missing, and out-of-date data. For the safety of all of us on Lake Kilby/Lake Cahoon, please do not approve this rezoning request!

By: Michael Jernigan Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:42:42 +0000 I moved to Lake Kilby in 2005 and have been a property owned since then, my goal was to live in a nice peaceful area where deer could be seen in my back and front yard eating Cherries from my trees and not have a house 10 ft from my neighbors house. Pitchkettle Farms was built behind my property, (that developer made a profit) where there a beautiful homes with nice big yards with room for trees and flowers. My wife and I ride thru this beautiful quiet neighborhood and have no problem that development. The current proposed Rezoning would ruin this area. Please vote No to the proposed rezoning, 1/2 or one acre lots would fit in with existing homes in this.

By: Judith Tue, 15 Aug 2023 15:40:00 +0000 This proposed development will not benefit the residents of Lake Kilby and Lake Cohoon in any way. These roads are horrible and unsafe. Traffic has increased substantially, no matter what the developers traffic impact report states. Residents living on these roads can’t even get roads widened, shoulders repaired, and/or potholes filled. Large trucks, school buses, and 18 wheelers cause other drivers to have to stop foer them to pass or go into the ditches because the roads are not wide enough for safe travel. City Council should vote NO on the proposed development.
