Comments on: Warehouse and Warehousing Regulations to be Added to the UDO Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:52:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kelly Hengler Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:52:43 +0000 “At the National Planning Conference of the American Society of Planning Officials, held in Pittsburgh in 1951, principle six was expanded in a paper delivered at one of the sessions.* In brief, the thesis of the paper was this:
zoning ordinances generally attempt to classify industries by name. With the rapid changes in industrial processes, such classification quickly becomes obsolete, if the classification is meant to keep similar industries together in the conventional “light” and “heavy” industrial districts. It is not the name of an industry that determines whether it is more or less obnoxious (the original basis tor segregation) but is rather the external effects of the industrial operations.”
