Contract executed between City of Suffolk and Planning Next (ACP/Greene & Associates, LLC)
Dec 2021
Vision and Goals to be completed; first payment executed
Plan contains no vision statement nor any goals
April 2022
Scope of Work Refinement: change of land use approach to “focus on trends or expectations about future development” verses “incorporating an entirely new, detailed scenario analysis.”
Added additional 25% above the cost of the original scope of work
Staff Land Use Workshop, including attendance by the Vice President of Tischler-Bise to discuss the Fiscal Impact Analysis
Several one-time, 1.5 hour focus groups held about different topics; focus group attendance ranged from 4-11 people.
Note that Keith Cannady is listed under the Industrial and Logistics focus group with Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) - where he worked to develop shovel ready industrial sites before he was hired to be the Head Planner for the Suffolk 2045 Comprehensive Plan. Shovel ready industrial sites become part of the 2045 Comp Plan.
Summer 2022
Fiscal Impact Analysis mentioned in emails between Planning NEXT and city staff
Planning staff attend various city events with a booth about comprehensive plan
This was the original completion timeframe according to proposal
Feb/Mar 2023
City-organized public engagement sessions (one per borough with 2 in the Suffolk borough)
June 2023
City-organized three open-houses and included a “dot” board activity
"Dot Board" shows how unpopular warehouses are with the public. 18 dots were placed under 'dislike', while zero dots were placed under 'like'. Additionally, farms were universally 'liked' and rural lands with scattered houses were mostly 'liked' as well.
The original Growth Area expansion increased the Current Growth Area by about 25%. Additionally, there are large scale land use changes from agriculture to suburban residential and 'employment centers'.
Planner Keith Cannady stated that no Fiscal Impact Analysis needed because current growth strategy is being continued and because it is done at the site level rezonings
Public hearings delayed (TBD)
Rountree Property advertised on VEDP website and Yes Suffolk as being in the 2045 Comp Plan Growth Area although the plan had not been approved yet
This ad appeared on the City of Suffolk's website advertising land for industrial develop on Rt. 460 as "currently identified in the 2045 Comprehensive Plan as a designated growth area for industrial development" DESPITE the recent City Council issues with the suggested Growth Areas. The City was bypassing the process and assuming this plan would be approved as designed by Planning.
June 2024
Planning Commission Work Session presentation
Reduction in Growth Areas
Other changes made, only 3 briefed
Lengthy Economic Development briefing on warehouse development
Land use pie chart added
All departments present slides
New “smart growth” label appears on some slides, but with no actual discussion of smart growth
Addition of Utility Scale Solar as a use for Rural Agriculture land; this was not briefed during the work session
July 2024
Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the 2045 Comp Plan
City Council received a work session update after Planning Commission had already voted
August 2024
Changes made to plan AFTER Planning Commission vote
Planning Commission has to have a “do over” vote because the city failed to provide the legally required public notice
Planning Commission Johnnie Edwards gives a speech stating that Suffolk is strategically important to the Port of Virginia and that the 2045 Comp Plan is the start of Suffolk serving the regional goals of the port.
Planning Commission again votes to recommend approval of the 2045 Comp Plan
City Council votes to table the vote on the 2045 Comp Plan until Nov 2024
Mayor Duman stipulates that Council needs to have the Master Transportation Plan in their hands to be able to vote on the comp plan
More new slides from Economic Development
Pie chart
Removal of “smart growth” from slides, changed to “focused growth”
Al Moore states that staff are already working on Master Transportation Plan it will be a “solid” by Nov 20
FOIA request for already completed parts of Master Transportation Plan
Sept 2024
Second FOIA request for any additional completed parts of Master Transportation Plan
Image of Gov. Youngkin with Mayor Duman, and City Council Members Rector, Fawcett, Williams, and Ward. Suffolk News-Herald:
2025 Legislative Agenda presentation to City Council
Rt. 460 Project construction phase increased from $47 million to $65 million
Master Transportation Plan on Sept 24th joint City Council/School Board meeting agenda
No Master Transportation Plan, just VHB briefing and outline
No real changes to accommodate citizen concerns
Mayor Duman states that the comp plan should reflect what the recent State of the Region report says about needing more housing in Hampton Roads and Keith Cannady assures him that the 2045 Plan “provides a strategy for that.”
Update email sent out with misrepresentation of what City Council wanted in August for Master Transportation Plan (Oct 31)
Addition of an Master Transportation Plan page and project diagrams into Ch. 4—AFTER work session & AFTER submission to VDOT
Nov 2024
Kevin Hughes sends an email to City Council informing them that the Master Transportation Plan is now in Chapter 4 of the comp plan a week after it was already updated as such on the 2045 website
City Council Nov 20th Work Session agenda posted and includes a 2045 Plan update presentation even though council is supposed to be voting on it that same evening