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Update of Lake Kilby Rezoning

It sounds like things for the Lake Kilby Road rezoning are about to start back up. The developer has re-submitted a modified application to Planning. Hopefully we will know more details before the end of the week.  In the event Planning accepts the changes, the earliest the application would go back to the Planning Commission would be Tuesday, December 20th at 2pm. We know this is the holiday season and the afternoon meeting time is tough, but PLEASE pencil this in on your calendars and plan to be there. We will send out more updates once we know for sure if it is happening on the 20th.

What can you do until then:
– Please sign our petition. If you already have, share it with others.:

– Contact the city Planning Division and let them know your concerns:  or 757-514-4150.

– Attend the City Council meeting on 7 Dec, 6pm. Let’s make our concern as visible as possible before the planning commission meeting. If you would like to speak, but aren’t sure what to talk about, please let us know and we will help you draft some talking points and get signed up to speak.  Even the shortest statements are helpful.

Please help keep the conversation and information flowing!

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