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Inadequate Roads

These photos were taken by a neighbor in the Lake Kilby Road area. This narrow country road is a hazard to trucks and the cars on the roads with them. It is too narrow for tractor trailers and it has deep ditches right up along the road which causes a hazard when a truck or other car tries to move over and make room.

This is where the developer for the rezoning request (RZN2021-00018) for Lake Kilby wans to add 204 single-family houses, clustered onto roughly 35 acres. This will generate over 2,000 additional vehicle trips per day, just about tripling the amount of traffic.

It makes absolutely no sense to develop in areas where the infrastructure is not in place. Lake Kilby Road can not support the traffic it is currently experiencing. It would be dangerous to intentionally increase the traffic on this narrow country road. 

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