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U-Haul Truck Overturned on Manning Road

This accident happened on March 17, 2023 at around noon. A neighbor in the area reported that the driver of the U-Haul experienced wobbling in the trailer pulled by the U-Haul truck as she came around the curve and ended up in the ditch. The neighbor also reported that rescue had to cut the driver out of the window, but she believes the driver was not hurt.

This is yet another example on Manning Road, and other narrow country roads likes this in Suffolk, that these roads are not designed to handle wide vehicles. With lanes that are only 8′ wide and deep ditches on each side, when something unexpected happens, there is no room for the vehicle to make a safe recovery: there is no room for error. 

Adding developments to areas like this, with insufficient roads, is irresponsible. Suffolk needs to fix its infrastructure first, if it wants to build on these roads. Otherwise, accidents like this may be an every day occurrence.


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