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Pause the Plan – Help Spread the Word

Care4Suffolk has been following the City’s 2045 Comprehensive Plan since November 2022.  After a two-year process, the draft has been completed and the next step will be for this 2045 Comprehensive Plan to make its way through the Planning Commission and to City Council where, if approved, it will be implemented immediately.

Unfortunately, this 2045 Comprehensive Plan does NOT represent the needs or wants of the majority of citizens of Suffolk. This plan is going to expand the growth area by almost 25%. The previous plan, adopted in 2015 only expanded the growth area by 5% and look at how that has impacted the traffic on our roads, our over-crowded school, and over-stretched public services. 

Additionally, the City is increasing the growth area without having done due diligence. The City chose NOT to do the fiscal analysis. The fiscal analysis was part of the original proposal requirements and was supposed to be completed prior to writing the draft. This fiscal impact analysis is a set of tools that the Planning Department could have – and should have – used to see what various development options cost in infrastructure and public service and compare it to the revenue they generate. It shows planners whether specific types of development in specific locations are a net positive for the city or a net negative, which will cost the taxpayers money in the future. This is THE key tool that should have guided decisions: should we expand the growth area and by how much, where should that expansion be, and what type of development is best? Instead of looking at data to answer these questions, the planners just decided not to do the fiscal analysis!

We can NOT allow our City to proceed with this plan until AFTER the fiscal analysis is completed AND used to guide the decision about the growth area and land use types. 

Below is a flier that we are circulating. Please help us in our efforts to ‘Pause the Plan’ by sharing this with family, friends, and neighbors in Suffolk. We need as many people as possible to let City Council know that this is NOT acceptable.  

A Comprehensive Plan is the document that guides growth and development in a city. Suffolk’s 2045 Comprehensive Plan ( will soon be voted on by Planning Commission and City Council. If approved, it will have a major impact on future land use decisions. 

Problems with the 2045 Comprehensive Plan

  • No Fiscal Impact Analysis Was Done:
    • The City failed to use this essential tool as prescribed in the original contract and against the recommendations of the consulting firm.
    • The fiscal analysis was supposed to have been done BEFORE the draft was written.
    • Without the fiscal analysis, the City doesn’t know how much its desired development will cost taxpayers.
  • Huge Growth Area Expansion:
    • A Growth Area is where a city encourages development.
    • The 2045 Comprehensive Plan will increase the Growth Area by almost 25% (adding 17 square miles).
    • Previous comprehensive plans, from 1998 to 2015, added only 12 square miles total.
    • New Growth Area will destroy farmland and open space adjacent to our reservoirs.
    • Suffolk’s farms are an economic powerhouse that should NOT be sacrificed in favor of warehouses and suburban sprawl.
    • Suffolk already struggles with traffic congestion, unsafe roads, over-crowded schools, and over-extended emergency services.


Let City Council know that you want them to ‘Pause the Plan’ and have the fiscal analysis completed BEFORE adopting the 2045 Comprehensive Plan: 

Michael D. Duman, Mayor

Phone: 757-514-4009

Lue R. Ward, Jr., Vice Mayor

(Nansemond Borough)

Phone: 757-377-6929

Shelley Butler Barlow,

Council Member

(Chuckatuck Borough)

Phone: 757-346-8355


Leroy Bennett, Council Member
(Cypress Borough)
Phone: 757-407-3750

Timothy J. Johnson, Council Member
(Holy Neck Borough)
Phone: 757-407-0556


Roger W. Fawcett, Council Member
(Sleepy Hole Borough)
Phone: 757-377-8641

John Rector, Council Member
(Suffolk Borough)
Phone: 757-407-1953

LeOtis Williams, Council Member

(Whaleyville Borough)

Phone: 757-402-7100


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