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Victory for Lake Kilby Road Today

CARE4Suffolk showed up in force today with about one hundred supporters attending the Suffolk Planning Commission meeting. There were three items on the meeting agenda that were of interest to CARE4Suffolk today. The first two items on the agenda where regarding the property on Lake Kilby Road and the third item on the agenda was the rezoning request for Ellis Farm on Manning Road. 

We knew going in today that there was a chance that the developer could request to have the Ellis Farm item tabled for another 30 days, like he did last month. Instead, he pulled his request and at the start of the meeting, the commission updated the agenda to remove the Ellis Farm rezoning request. It is unclear to CARE4Suffolk at this time what this means for the Ellis Farm rezoning. The developer may resubmit his request, but we don’t know. We will stay on top of the issue and keep the community updated.

As for the variance request and rezoning request for Lake Kilby Road, the developer failed on both items. Concerned citizens brought before the commission a compelling case on both issues. The lawyer for the developer, Grier Ferguson, spoke in favor of the rezoning with the following less-than-compelling argument (see video below at minute 57:25), “This stuff with scattering out all over everywhere and everyone getting their acre and being happy, that’s a thing of the 60s and 70s and 80s, and it’s history. It’s not sustainable as a country. It is not sustainable. The only way you can prevent that would be to tell your children to stop having babies.”

The commissioners listened and asked questions and in the end, they voted 6-2 to recommend to deny the variance and 8-0 to recommend to deny the rezoning request on Lake Kilby Road. Planning Commissioner Mills Staylor stated, “I’m concerned about the city’s ability to handle the development, particularly in that suburban growth area.” (mark 1:51:24) He mentioned specifically the infrastructure in place in the suburban growth area and how it is “vastly unable to handle the capacity of the developments that are coming before us, both now and in the future.” (mark 1:49:40)

CARE4Suffolk applauds the Planning Commission for weighing the issues and sending their recommendations to deny these requests to City Council.

To watch the complete City of Suffolk Planning Commission Meeting on October 18, 2022, please use this link.


We have received clarification from the city regarding the process and what “pulling” the Ellis Farm Rezoning Request means. Last time, the item was tabled for 30 days and was placed back on the agenda for the Planning Commission automatically. This time, the developer has pulled the request. 

The developer can apply again to request to have Ellis Farm rezoned, but he has to go through the process again. Before it is placed on the Planning Commission agenda again, they will need to post new notices, he will submit any new information, and there will need to be a new staff report. 

We have no way of knowing when he will make a new request, so as a community we need to remain vigilant. The Planning Commission meets every month and their agenda is available on the city’s website. We need to be checking that monthly. We also need to be watching for signs placed on the property and we need to be on the lookout for the public notices placed in the Suffolk Herald. Directly affected neighbors should be receiving letter from the city as well. If you notice anything from any of these sources, please let us known right away at Thank you to our wonderful community for supporting us!


6 thoughts on “Victory for Lake Kilby Road Today”

  1. and the photo of the council chambers was done before the start of the does not show almost every seat FULL of blue shirts…and other concerned citizens who will continue to support this group and others. Keep up the great work…stay on your toes…and watch always

    1. Thank you for your comment. I just received some new photos this morning that look like they were taken from the window into the council chamber. They show how packed the room was with blue shirts. It was quite the effect when we all stood up for Lake Kilby Rd!

  2. The support of those of you from Manning Road, as well as LK and Cahoon Roads was amazing. We appreciate those who spoke against this redevelopment! Definitely a huge victory for all of us!!

  3. THANK YOU to everyone from CARE4Suffolk, friends and neighbors that stood with us from the Kibly/Cahoon area this past Tuesday. I feel fortunate to live in a community like this and am thankful to have friends and neighbors like all of you!

  4. Finally, voices are being heard. They are trying to build way to much in Suffolk forgetting why people move out here in the first place. I came from a small town and I love living in a small town like environment. Thats what I love about Suffolk. Thank you all for what you are doing.

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