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Lake Kilby Road (a.k.a. Lake Kilby Shores)

SBV2022-003, Lake Kilby Shores
RZN2021-00018,  (Conditional), Lake Kilby Shores
20221025-Field on Lake Kilby


This rezoning went before City Council on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 and was passed with a vote of 5 to 3.

The Lake Kilby Road rezoning request (RZN2021-018) will be going before City Council for a second time on August 16, 2023. Right before the April 19th City Council meeting, the developer requested a 120-day deferral, which was granted. This means that although there was a public hearing on the 19th, City Council did not actually vote yet. 
They did vote to hold another public hearing in August. We appreciate them doing the right thing by giving us another opportunity to share our views.
Thank you to all who attended and spoke at the April 19th City Council meeting and to everyone who has supported in other ways like signing the petition, sending in public comments and putting signs out. We will be continuing these efforts as we get closer to the August City Council date. In the meantime, we will be staying in touch with the Planning Department about any updates and continuing to engage with City Council members. We encourage everyone to contact council members to respectfully share their views about this rezoning or other concerns. Please mark your calendars for August 16th! 

The area in this rezoning request is 87 acres on Lake Kilby Road and Lake Cohoon Road, bordering Rt. 58 and just south of the Pitchkettle Farms. The developer wants the land to be rezoned from Rural Estate (which allows for 1 house/3 acres) to Residential Medium (which will allow up to 4.4 houses/acre). He is looking to put up to 204 single-family homes clustered within about 35 acres of the property.

Lake Kilby Road is a narrow, country road. It has no centerline, no shoulders, no street lights, curves and deep ditches. It is prone to flooding and it already has more traffic than it can safely handle. The Traffic Impact Study for this rezoning concludes there will be over 2,000 vehicle trips generated per day from this development. That would almost triple the current traffic in this area. In addition to the traffic and road safety, the elementary school facility is in poor condition and is already overcrowded. The high school is also over-capacity and the middle school will be very soon due to other projects in the pipeline. The neighbors are also concerned that the density and home type is not in keeping with the rural surroundings.

Lake Kilby Road

A developer wants to rezone 87 acres on Lake Kilby Road and Lake Cohoon Road, bordering Rt. 58 and just south of the Pitchkettle Farms, to put up to 204 single-family homes clustered within about 35 acres of the property.