Uncategorized – Care4Suffolk https://care4suffolk.org Mon, 22 Jul 2024 20:00:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://care4suffolk.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/cropped-Care4Suffolk-32x32.png Uncategorized – Care4Suffolk https://care4suffolk.org 32 32 Small Town Feel https://care4suffolk.org/2024/07/22/small-town-feel/ https://care4suffolk.org/2024/07/22/small-town-feel/#comments Mon, 22 Jul 2024 19:26:27 +0000 https://care4suffolk.org/?p=5042 Read More »Small Town Feel]]>

The desire to keep a “small-town feel” has been a common thread in discussions about the 2045 Comprehensive Plan.  The difficult thing is explaining where this feeling comes from. But just because it is difficult, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to quantify it or do our best to preserve it.  Anything unique about a place should be captured and protected because that is what attracts people and can be a key element of the local economy.

Suffolk’s “small-town feel” comes from the interconnectedness of the City-Center and Agricultural areas. The proximity of rural areas to downtown is something unique and we should embrace how close one is to the other. Suffolk is special! Where else in Hampton Roads can you get a handcrafted latte from a locally-owned shop and then within minutes be at a horse farm or fishing spot? 

However, it seems the trend everywhere is to surround downtown with development, making it harder for people living there to access nature, open spaces, as well as essential necessities like hospitals and grocery stores. Suffolk’s City-Center isn’t “urban” in a typical sense, so following the typical patterns of high-density growth all around it doesn’t seem to be working. 

Do you think that anyone in Suffolk would say that it has gotten easier for people in the downtown area to access necessities listed above?  Have the growth trends in recent years resulted in an economic boom for downtown and other struggling retail centers?

Despite the increased congestion in and around downtown, it is still an integral part of commercial and social activity for residents from less-populated boroughs. You often run into people you know at a local restaurant or the feed store. Will more high-density rooftops and new shopping centers sprawling into rural areas with inadequate roads actually make going downtown more convenient and desirable?

The City has a chance with the 2045 Comprehensive Plan to create a vision for how we grow by embracing the character of the rural and downtown proximity and not making it harder for people to move into, out of, and around the City-Center.


Please sign our petition to urge City Council to vote ‘NO’ to the new 2045 Comprehensive Plan. 

https://care4suffolk.org/2024/07/22/small-town-feel/feed/ 2
City Staff Bypassing Citizens and City Council https://care4suffolk.org/2024/05/20/city-staff-bypassing-citizens-and-city-council/ https://care4suffolk.org/2024/05/20/city-staff-bypassing-citizens-and-city-council/#respond Mon, 20 May 2024 15:12:25 +0000 https://care4suffolk.org/?p=4557 Read More »City Staff Bypassing Citizens and City Council]]>

Suffolk has spent the last two years and over a million dollars to review and update its comprehensive plan. The City Staff have ignored the public feedback they received while writing the draft, recommended huge increases to the growth areas, refused to conduct a Fiscal Impact Analysis, and did not complete a transportation plan. 


Now we have discovered that they are advertising 562 acres of agricultural land off Rt. 460 (that is OUTSIDE the current Growth Area) as industrial land. If the new 2045 Comprehensive Plan draft passes, this area will be in the new growth area and have its land use changed, but the comp plan draft has not even gone through the public hearing process in front of Planning Commission and City Council yet. It seems that City Staff are so sure this new plan will pass, the Suffolk Department of Economic Development’s website, YesSuffolk, already has it listed. You can see it on their website listed as the “Rountree Site.”

It states, “This site is currently identified in the 2045 Comprehensive Plan as a designated growth area for Industrial Development encompassing a variety of uses including logistics, manufacturing, warehousing distribution, and research development.” [Emphasis mine]

The 2045 Comprehensive Plan draft has not even come before the Planning Commission, there has been NO public hearing, nor has it been approved by City Council. Yet, to the City Staff, this is a done deal. 


Are the citizens of Suffolk content to let the unelected City Staff dictate our future? Is the Public really ok with the Staff bypassing citizen input?

Please sign our petition to urge City Council to vote ‘NO’ to the new 2045 Comprehensive Plan. 

https://care4suffolk.org/2024/05/20/city-staff-bypassing-citizens-and-city-council/feed/ 0
Plan So Good, No Math Required! https://care4suffolk.org/2024/05/03/plan-so-good-no-math-required/ https://care4suffolk.org/2024/05/03/plan-so-good-no-math-required/#respond Fri, 03 May 2024 17:41:30 +0000 https://care4suffolk.org/?p=4438 Read More »Plan So Good, No Math Required!]]>

On May 1st, Keith Cannady, Suffolk’s Comprehensive Planning Manager, gave a presentation to Planning Commission and City Council on the new 2045 Comprehensive Plan. It included some changes Staff is recommending to the draft as well as attempts to address points of concern from the community. One of these points of concern was the lack of Fiscal Impact Analysis, which Care4Suffolk has been bringing to the forefront over the past several weeks. This new plan is set to make major changes to the landscape of Suffolk, opening up huge swaths of land for suburban sprawl and warehouses, which should only be done after careful consideration and the use of good data. An analysis of the fiscal impact of these changes must be part of that decision process.


However, city planners chose NOT to do a fiscal impact analysis, and Mr. Cannady’s reasoning was that their current system needs work, so it isn’t a useful tool at the moment. He stated that since Suffolk is planning to continue with the same growth strategy it has been using, it isn’t necessary to do the fiscal impact analysis. Instead, the City plans to update their fiscal impact analysis tool after the adoption of the 2045 Comprehensive Plan.


This begs the question: How did the City determine it is a good strategy to continue?


In the last decade or so, the City of Suffolk has been rezoning and allowing massive amounts of agricultural land to be turned into suburban sprawl and mammoth warehouses. While making these decisions, the city was using this tool that they KNOW needs to be fixed in order for it to provide good data. Does this mean that maybe the city has been making BAD decisions based on bad data? It could mean that. 


In light of this, now would be the perfect opportunity to pause this process and update the tool – as was part of the original proposal – before moving forward. This way, the City can be confident that it is getting good data on which to base decisions. But that isn’t what was done. City Staff decided not to use the data at all, and are planning to continue business as usual – turning farmland into suburban sprawl and warehouses.


The citizens have been complaining about over-crowded schools, heavy traffic and unsafe roads. During this meeting, Mr. Cannady discussed the need to get federal and state money to fix our roads. We are told that all this growth is supposed to bring in the revenue to fix these problems, so why do we have to rely on state and federal funding to take care of our city? 


Keep in mind that a lot of this recent growth has happened while operating under the 2035 Comprehensive Plan (passed in 2015). The city didn’t do a fiscal impact analysis then either (which we learned when we did a Freedom of Information Act request for it). They have based all this growth on bad or no fiscal data. We think Suffolk deserves better than that.  


Mr. Cannady explained that, “if we picked something very different from the growth management approach that we’ve been following, it would be good to evaluate that new alternative for its fiscal impact. As this plan developed, we realized we were going to stick with our basic growth management approach. So it didn’t really make sense to evaluate something that we weren’t going to seriously consider.”  [Emphasis is mine.] This is Mr. Cannady’s initial reasoning for not conducting the fiscal impact analysis – they weren’t really even considering another approach!


However, later in the meeting Council Member Butler-Barlow and Planning Commissioner MaryEllen Baur commented on how large these growth areas are and how this is a big change from its current agricultural zoning. Mr. Cannady responded, “I don’t disagree with you, that’s a significant change in land use and expansion of the growth area, but we felt like to take advantage of that opportunity that the city has, providing an area that’s in a good location, you can effectively, cost effectively extend utilities to it and capture some of those economic development opportunities, which is something we all need to think about, recognizing that there are definitely trade-offs there.” [Emphasis is mine. May 1st meeting, mark 15:45] 


I think most of the citizens looking at the new Growth Area and Land Use map would agree with Mr. Cannady’s first statement: this IS significant change in land use and expansion of the growth area. We would like to know what these opportunities are (which he only alludes to and never specifies) and why they are worth diminishing another successful industry in the City (farming!) He needs to explain these trade-offs he mentioned. This is why the citizens are upset that the city skipped the fiscal impact analysis.


Let’s review: Mr. Cannady says it’s not necessary to do a fiscal impact analysis because we are just continuing the growth strategy we have been using already. He agrees that these huge growth areas and new land use types ARE  significant changes. However, he feels we need them in order to have unspecified economic opportunities. The City didn’t do a fiscal impact analysis for the 2035 Comprehensive Plan either and apparently has been using an inaccurate tool to make massive changes to the landscape of Suffolk over the last decade. We are also being told we can’t maintain our current or future infrastructure without federal and state help. 


If you are a Suffolk resident, you may be feeling the same confusion and frustration as me. If what we have been doing isn’t fixing our problems and we aren’t happy with the results, then we need to STOP! We need to fix this fiscal impact analysis tool FIRST and then we can evaluate these proposed changes. Mr. Cannady said, “… we realized we were going to stick with our basic growth management approach.” I say: let’s stop doing what we’ve been doing because it obviously isn’t working! Citizens are unhappy with the effects of the recent growth and the city is struggling to fix its infrastructure. City leaders need to listen to the people. Instead of doubling down on this development model while using bad or no fiscal impact data, let’s do this right. Citizens and taxpayers deserve a data-driven, fiscally sound plan and not just business as usual. 

Let City Council know what you think about skipping the Fiscal Impact Analysis: council@suffolkva.us 

Michael D. Duman, Mayor


Phone: 757-514-4009

Lue R. Ward, Jr., Vice Mayor

(Nansemond Borough)


Phone: 757-377-6929

Shelley Butler Barlow,

Council Member

(Chuckatuck Borough)


Phone: 757-346-8355


Leroy Bennett, Council Member
(Cypress Borough)
Phone: 757-407-3750

Timothy J. Johnson, Council Member
(Holy Neck Borough)
Phone: 757-407-0556


Roger W. Fawcett, Council Member
(Sleepy Hole Borough)
Phone: 757-377-8641

John Rector, Council Member
(Suffolk Borough)
Phone: 757-407-1953

LeOtis Williams, Council Member

(Whaleyville Borough)


Phone: 757-402-7100

https://care4suffolk.org/2024/05/03/plan-so-good-no-math-required/feed/ 0
Care4Suffolk Meeting https://care4suffolk.org/2024/03/15/care4suffolk-meeting-3/ https://care4suffolk.org/2024/03/15/care4suffolk-meeting-3/#respond Fri, 15 Mar 2024 13:42:43 +0000 https://care4suffolk.org/?p=3867 Read More »Care4Suffolk Meeting]]>

Care4Suffolk will be hosting a meeting on Wednesday, March 27 at 6pm. We will be meeting at the Kings Fork Community House on Kings Fork Road. We will be discussing the City of Suffolk’s 2045 Comprehensive Plan Draft. The new Comprehensive Plan will dictate where growth will happen in Suffolk in the next several years. This document will have a huge influence on land use decisions and rezonings in Suffolk. Please join us and bring your neighbors, friends, and family who are Suffolk residents. 

Wednesday, March 27th at 6pm
Kings Fork Community House
1600 Kings Fork Road, Suffolk 

https://care4suffolk.org/2024/03/15/care4suffolk-meeting-3/feed/ 0
Petition and Public Comments DUE Wednesday! https://care4suffolk.org/2023/04/10/petition-and-public-comments-due-wednesday/ https://care4suffolk.org/2023/04/10/petition-and-public-comments-due-wednesday/#respond Mon, 10 Apr 2023 19:20:38 +0000 https://care4suffolk.org/?p=2583 Read More »Petition and Public Comments DUE Wednesday!]]>
This is an important reminder that the Lake Kilby Rezoning (RZN2021-00018) public hearing will take place at the Wednesday, April 19 meeting. City Council meetings start at 6pm at City Hall. 
City Council has the final vote, so it is very important that we have as many people there as possible to support CARE4Suffolk as we oppose this rezoning. This rezoning has gotten a lot of attention and could be a turning point in how the city looks at development in areas with unsafe roads and other inadequate public facilities.
There are two things you can help with before the meeting—send comments/concerns about Lake Kilby Road to City Council and help us reach 500 local signatures on our online petition. Both things need to be done before 5pm this Wednesday. Links for both are below. 
Public Comments:
City Council will receive packets including all public comments and our petition on Thursday, so that is why Wednesday is the deadline for these things. Please share these links with friends, family, and neighbors in Suffolk!
Thank you for helping us with this effort for so many months!
https://care4suffolk.org/2023/04/10/petition-and-public-comments-due-wednesday/feed/ 0
Great Suffolk Cleanup https://care4suffolk.org/2023/03/07/great-suffolk-cleanup/ https://care4suffolk.org/2023/03/07/great-suffolk-cleanup/#respond Tue, 07 Mar 2023 15:52:07 +0000 https://care4suffolk.org/?p=2278 Read More »Great Suffolk Cleanup]]>

CARE4Suffolk is participating in the city’s Great Suffolk Cleanup on Saturday, March 25, from 8am-12pm. The location we will be cleaning up is 440 Market St. We will be picking up trash on the baseball field and cemetery behind the Registrar’s Office where the voter registrar office is. There is plenty of parking in back and on the sides.

The city is sponsoring this event by providing the cleanup equipment and safety gear. They will pick the trash bags up as well when we have finished.  We need to know how many people are interested so they know how much equipment to provide us, so please email us at care4suffolk@gmail.com to let us know.

This is a great way for us to serve our community, so please consider joining us to help keep Suffolk beautiful!

https://care4suffolk.org/2023/03/07/great-suffolk-cleanup/feed/ 0
Trucks Through Downtown Suffolk https://care4suffolk.org/2023/02/21/trucks-through-downtown-suffolk/ https://care4suffolk.org/2023/02/21/trucks-through-downtown-suffolk/#comments Tue, 21 Feb 2023 17:59:17 +0000 https://care4suffolk.org/?p=2106 Read More »Trucks Through Downtown Suffolk]]>

With all the additional warehouses added to Suffolk recently and more on the way, it comes as no surprise that we are seeing more truck traffic in Suffolk. However, these trucks are not limiting their routes to the city approved truck roadways. 

A CARE4Suffolk member sent in these photos he snapped from just about an hour ago. These tractor trailers can be seen downtown at the corner of Main Street and Washington. He said there were more but he wasn’t fast enough snapping the picture. “It’s a nightmare,” he said.

With a backup today on Rt. 58 extending all the way to Pitchkettle Road, due to construction and the westbound lanes down to one for paving, there are those looking for ways around the traffic. We are likely to see more of this moving forward; more trucks, more traffic, and more headaches for the citizens of Suffolk. from

https://care4suffolk.org/2023/02/21/trucks-through-downtown-suffolk/feed/ 1