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Care4Suffolk is a nonpartisan organization and does not endorse any candidate for any public office. We encourage voters to research the candidates for the upcoming local Mayoral and City Council Member elections. We have asked all candidates the same questions regarding land use and rezoning. These questions are based on the topics and issues from participating members. Below are the answers provided by the Sleepy Hole Borough City Council candidates, along with their image and website contact, if they chose to provide it.

Early voting is currently underway in Virginia and election day is Tuesday, November 5th. Please go to the Virginia Department of Elections for any questions.

Sleepy Hole Borough City Council Candidates

Ebony Wright
Roger Fawcett



Many narrow country roads have design challenges and water issues, yet are seeing increased traffic due to new development. Should rezoning approval be contingent on either the City or the rezoning applicant being able to improve these roads to meet VDOT and City standards for their classifications? 

Ebony Wright

Yes, rezoning approvals should be contingent on the improvement of local roads by either the city or the applicant/developer.  This will ensure the roads meet VDOT and City standards and that new developments and existing communities are supported by adequate infrastructure and services. 

Roger Fawcett

In many cases, the answer to this questions is yes. Suffolk’s staff puts the onus on developers to bring private investment for these improvements during the rezoning process and again during the plan approval process. Without this investment many improvements might not happen. 


1.Residents often buy homes based on existing zoning. Rezoning land can impact residents and their quality of life. What criteria will you use when considering rezoning applications?

2.Currently, NO residential or student pipeline data is included in rezoning Staff Report packets to show already approved developments in the surrounding area. If you are re-elected or elected, what would you do to ensure that Planning Commission and City Council have all pertinent information needed to make fully informed decisions?

Ebony Wright

1. Changes in zoning can significantly impact community dynamics and quality of life.  The criteria I would use in evaluating rezoning applications will include an analysis of the potential impact on local infrastructure, environmental considerations, and community feedback.  I believe these factors play a crucial role in ensuring that any changes align with the needs and values of the community.

2. I would advocate for research to provide comprehensive data to the Planning Commission and City Council.  I believe that accurate information about community needs, and potential impacts is essential for making informed decisions.

Roger Fawcett

1. There is a long list of criteria I have when considering rezoning applications. Certainly, consideration of how a rezoning would affect current residents is at the top of the list…I am very concerned about the welfare and views of city residents. 

2. Total student head count for our public schools has remained relatively flat for years. For things like subdivisions, impacts to public schools are included for proffers. I care a great deal about how new construction of residential housing will affect the school system. This is always a priority of mine. 



The City has decided against conducting a Fiscal Impact Analysis for the 2045 Comprehensive Plan. Instead, it will rely on fiscal impact studies that are paid for by developers as part of rezoning applications and are not required to include the key component of Cost of Services (such as long-term road maintenance, repair, and replacement). If elected or re-elected, how would you ensure that the City is getting a complete financial picture of what development projects will both bring in revenue and cost the taxpayers in services?

Ebony Wright

I would advocate to make impact analysis a requirement in our decision-making process to ensure the city is getting a complete financial picture through financial analysis of development projects.   The data is necessary for understanding the long-term impact on the community.  It provides the relevant information needed to evaluate both potential revenue and the costs to taxpayers for services.  The City cannot make informed decisions that benefit everyone without one. 

Roger Fawcett

A fiscal impact analysis of possible or potential developmental impacts projected for the next 20 years is simply not possible or feasible. It would be based on so many unknowable assumptions that the document would not be worth anything. A responsible city council and planning commission will look at each project and determine the impacts, what role the developer has to play to address those impacts and whether the project is in the best interest of the city. That is how I have conducted myself during my service on Council, and how I will continue to address projects brought before Council. 



1. Do you think council members should recuse themselves from rezoning requests if the developer requesting the rezoning has contributed to their election campaign?


2. Would you be willing to disclose all property and land that you own in the city of Suffolk, whether it is owned in your own name, a partnership, or an LLC?

Ebony Wright

1. Absolutely!  Campaign contributions from developers to council members gives the appearance of impropriety and can create conflicts of interest, leading to questions about the integrity of rezoning decisions.  Transparency in local governance is essential for maintaining public trust.

2. Yes, my husband and I own my primary residence in Suffolk. 

Roger Fawcett

1. No. The Courts have ruled that campaign contributions in and of themselves do not bring about conflicts of interest. If a Council member works for a developer, then yes, that person should recuse themselves from voting on those projects. But a campaign contribution is not a payment to an elected official, it is a campaign contribution. No locality in Virginia has a rule in place like the one proposed here for this very reason. 

2. I would and I do. Disclosure of such information is part of a candidate’s and elected officials annual personal financial disclosure statement already required by the Commonwealth. These documents are held by the City Clerk’s office and can be reviewed by anyone. 

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