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Please join us in urging City Council to vote 'No' to adopting the 2045 Comprehensive Plan:

Care4Suffolk opposes the 2045 Comprehensive Plan because it ignores public input, includes massive increases to the growth area and will make drastic changes to land use. It focuses on warehouses and suburban sprawl, while destroying precious resources. It lacks a Fiscal Impact Analysis, so taxpayers have no idea what this growth will cost us in the long run. This plan may be good for developers, but it is not good for the citizens of Suffolk.

2045 Comprehensive Plan:

(Blue bulleted points are linked to articles with further documentation or information on the topic.)

Lacks a Fiscal Impact Analysis
What you can do to help:
Sign the Petition and share with family and friends in Suffolk. If this 2045 Comprehensive Plan passes, the amount of growth we will see in Suffolk will be unprecedented. It will impact our already over-burdened roads, schools and other infrastructure. 
Attend the City Council Meeting on August 21st  at City Hall to show your opposition.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please email

Click here for more information and documentation related to the 2045 Comprehensive Plan.

Link to our paper petition if you would like to help gather signatures.